Family Law Services


Visitation & Parenting Plans

While co-parenting requires significant flexibility and sacrifice, we know how important it is for both parents to play a major role in the physical upbringing of their children and in the day-to-day lives of their kids.


When it is possible, California law encourages parents to share joint physical custody, but for many parents, this kind of arrangement is not practicable.


We can discuss your options for physical custody and child visitation support, and we can help you to reach an agreement with your ex-partner about a custody situation that works for everybody.

We routinely work with parents to develop a shared physical custody arrangement that works for both parents and the children.

We can discuss a variety of options with you for reaching an agreement, including:

  • Mediating parenting plans and visitation schedules
  • Representing you in litigation to determine a court ordered visitation and parenting plan

We know that mediation can be beneficial to everyone involved when it comes to a contentious and emotionally charged issue like child custody. Regardless of how you move forward with your case, we can advise you on legal issues pertaining to child custody and the various factors a court may consider when determining what is in the child’s best interests.

Strategizing Effective Visitation & Parenting Plans in CA

Our family law attorneys know how complicated it can be to develop a custody and visitation schedule around busy work schedules and school calendars. We can work with you to incorporate a visitation schedule into your parenting plan or your divorce agreement.

We want to emphasize that parents cannot decide to deny visitation based on issues like child support nonpayment or other financial concerns. When it is necessary, California law does permit supervised visitation in family situations involving violence or substance abuse.

Modifying Child Custody Orders

At the Law Offices of Kearney Baker, we know that a family situation can change for a variety of reasons. When you lose your job or you need to consider a relocation, we can discuss your options for modifying an existing child custody order.

We can work with you to determine whether there has been a significant change in circumstances, which is usually necessary to modify an existing visitation or custody order.

Our attorneys can discuss situations that may qualify as a significant change in circumstances, and we can help parents navigate the modification process.



301 N. Lake Avenue, Suite 1000

Pasadena, CA 91101

Open Hours

day : Monday - Friday
Time : 9.00am - 5.00pm

Phone : (626) 584-5780

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